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Original art works by watermedia artist Mary J Maxam.

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Page 2: Artist's Bio & Resume

   Mary J Maxam, born and raised in Boise, Idaho, earned her art degree at Boise State University. She works primarily in watercolor and gouache, enjoying the versatile possibilities of both. Her paintings are a response to familiar subjects, seen daily and discoveries that take place through the painting process.

   "In the beginning, my work is abstract driven, looking at the formal aspects of painting. I then move in closer, developing subject personality."

   Her work has been included in many regional and national exhibitions, including the Rocky Mountain, National and Midwest Watercolor Shows. She is a signature member of the National and Northwest Watercolor Societies. and the Montana Watercolor Society. She currently shows through the Cheney Cowles Museum in Spokane, Washington, and is preparing a spring 2000 show for the Zantman Gallery in Sun Valley, Idaho.


1976 B.A. Art, Boise State University, Boise, ID.

Juried and Professional Exhibitions

1999 National Watercolor Society, Brea Cultural Center, CA
1998 Midwest Watercolor Society, MI. Traveling Exhibition. Juror Steven Quiller.
1997 Northwest Watercolor Society, WA. Juror Skip Lawrence.
1997 Eastern Washington Watercolor Society, WA. Juror Marilyn Huey Phillis.
1997 Waterworks '97, MT. Grumbacher Award. Juror Marilyn Huey Phillis.
1997 Spokane Watercolor Society, WA. Third Place Award. Juror Carla O'Conner.
1996 Northwest Watercolor Society Signature Show, WA. Juror Don Getz
1995 Arizona Aqueous, AZ. Tubac Art Center.
1995 Rocky Mountain National, CO. Juror Glenn Bradshaw.
1995 Northwest Watercolor Society Open, WA. Juror Alex Powers.
1994 Montana Watercolor Society, MT. Juror Del Gish.
1994 Western Federation of Watercolor Societies, AZ. Juror Edward Reep.
1993 Western Colorado Open, CO. Juror Judy Betts.
1993 Eastern Washington Watercolor Society, WA. Merit Award. Juror Del Gish.
1992 Montana Watercolor Society, MT. Juror Jeanne Dobie
1992 Idaho Watercolor Society, ID. Selected for traveling exhibition.
1992 Northwest Watercolor Society, WA. Juror Gerald Brommer.

Selected Group Exhibitions

1998 Spokane Annual, Spokane, WA.
1994 Coeur d'Alene Cultural Exhibition, Coeur d'Alene, ID.
1993 Idaho Watercolor Society Regional Show, Spokane, WA.

Publications/Web Page

Color, The 12 Hue Method, Rockport Press, author Christopher Willard, featured work, book in progress.

Signature Memberships

National Watercolor Society
Northwest Watercolor Society
Montana Watercolor Society

Gallery Affiliations

1999 The Entree Gallery, June Feature Show, Priest Lake, ID.
1994 - Present Cheney Cowles Museum. At Work Program and Gift Shop, Spokane, WA.
1996 - '97 Amy Burnett Gallery, Bremerton, WA.
1996 -'97 Towles Gallery, Mercer Is. WA.
1994 - '97 Gallery by the Lake, Coeur d'Alene, ID.



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